Rhodesian Ridgeback Puppies For Sale
We sell purebred Rhodesian Ridgeback puppies. You can see our females and males if you click on the links. Check out our photo gallery for more photos of the puppies. We keep in touch with most of the puppy owners and help with advice on medical, diet and other questions you may have throughout their life. We create a group where all the Rhodesian Ridgeback owners of that litter can keep in touch with each other and watch each sibling grow.
Rhodesian Ridgeback 2021 Puppy Litter
By filling out this form you will put yourself on our list to get puppies first in order of when the form was received for 2021 puppies. Once the puppies are born we will notify you via email.
Our Next Rhodesian Ridgeback Puppy Litter
Below this text we post a link to the next puppy litter. First come first serve on puppies and we normally sell out the first week.
Rhodesian Puppies For Sale
We sell purebred Rhodesian Puppies and are located near Austin, Texas.